Proposed Knocknacarra Lidl gets green light from Galway City planners
Lidl has received notification that Galway City Council has approved plans for a new Lidl store in Knocknacarra at the junction of Western Distributor Road and Bothar na Stiofan. The permission has been granted on the basis of a planning application submitted on 6th July 2018 to cater for shoppers’ needs in the west of Galway City. On foot of the grant of planning permission Lidl will start construction and recruitment immediately, should the decision not be appealed to An Bord Pleanala.
At the time of the original submission there were two observations only lodged on file, from Tesco Ireland and RGDATA, the lobby group who represent Musgrave, the parent group of SuperValu. This mirrors a similar pattern of observations which they have made in respect of nearly 80% of Lidl planning applications for the construction of new stores and major refurbishment projects over the past 3 years. Lidl has long held the view the serial objections from both Tesco Ireland and RGDATA are part of a planned and sustained campaign to delay the construction or refurbishment of Lidl stores. The fact that 93% of new store planning applications granted to Lidl have been upheld by An Bord Pleanala illustrates the lack of success they have had in convincing the final arbitrator on the merits of their objections.
While Lidl is supportive of an independent planning system which provides opportunities for concerned parties to make observations at all stages of the planning process, it feels it is appropriate to call out what is plain for all to see as vexatious delaying tactics on the part of Tesco Ireland and RGDATA. In doing so they consistently go against the public who continue to be supportive of Lidl’s plans to bring new stores, investment and employment to their communities. This Lidl store will cater for 9,450 residents living within a 1km radius of the proposed development. The nearest SuperValu is located in Barna (10km away) and the nearest Tesco is a Tesco Express located 3km away.
The actions of Tesco Ireland and RGDATA serve their individual interests only; actions which are anti-competitive, anti-better value for consumers and anti-job creation. In lodging objections on spurious and, in many instances, on contradictory grounds both Tesco and RDGATA are misusing the planning system designed to cater for bona fide observations. This misuse of the planning system not only results in additional work at unnecessary cost, ultimately borne by the taxpayer, but also takes up the valuable time of planning bodies which are, in many cases, under resourced and whose valuable skills could otherwise be utilised to address current property market difficulties.
Despite the pattern of objections, Lidl remains committed to expanding its network of new state-of-the-art stores and continuing to bring every day affordable prices to our growing customer base throughout Ireland.
Commenting on receiving planning permission for a new Lidl store in Knocknacarra, Galway, Alan Barry, Director of Property and Central Services at Lidl said: “Lidl is delighted to have received planning permission from Galway City Council for a new Lidl store in Knocknacarra, Galway. When we receive final grant of planning, we will start construction immediately with the creation of 35 permanent positions. We remain committed to further our expansion plans, providing consumers choice and delivering great quality products to more and more Irish shoppers at market leading prices.”