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RepTrak® is the gold standard for measuring reputation
All CEO’s focus on the fundamental business drivers - the P&L, the balance sheet, earnings growth, return on assets. Outstanding leaders also measure the intangibles that drive corporate success: trust and respect; integrity and ethics; and respect for society and the environment. They understand the importance of reputation. Now in its tenth year, the Ireland RepTrak® study equips C-Suite executives with the right reputation data and insight, arming organisations with tools that don’t just raise brand awareness, but achieve competitive differentiation, help recruit and retain top talent, and support post-crisis recovery. The data not only predicts the actions stakeholders will take but informs what strategies will push the needle.
The Ireland RepTrak® study is the largest and longest running study of reputation in Ireland. Based on a survey of over 7,000 members of the Irish public, we measure the level of trust admiration and esteem the public holds for 100 of the largest most familiar and most important organisations in Ireland along with 25 other reputation indicators.
We’ve studied the reputation of the largest, most familiar and most important organisations in Ireland across 17 sectors. These include Food and General Retail, Retail Forecourts, Financial Services, Communications, Media and Technology, Public Service bodies, Semi -state Commercial organisations, Healthcare, Professional Services, Energy providers, Sporting bodies and Airlines & Aerospace.
Contact or complete and return the request report form. To discuss anything about this year’s study, contact Marna Harmey. We are happy to meet with you to discuss the study in more detail.