An Post launches new Address Point Service
A personal address and mail collection service for people who are homeless or living in temporary accommodation
An Post joined with charities and service providers to announce the launch of Address Point, a ground-breaking, free personal postal address and letter collection service for people who are homeless or living in temporary accommodation.
Whether it’s trying to arrange medical appointments, dealing with children’s schools, applying for jobs, or trying to keep in touch with family and friends, Address Point is a practical, simple service which generates a personal address based on the person’s choice of local post office, which will be their mail collection point.
In conjunction with services providers and charities working in the area of homelessness, an instant address is generated online using a mobile phone or laptop, for use on all correspondence, and then mail is collected on production of photo ID at the post office of choice. Should a person move to a new locality, a new address can be immediately generated, linked to a post office in the new location.
Speaking at the GPO, Debbie Byrne, Managing Director of An Post Retail explained that An Post set out to devise a solution that respected people’s privacy, and helped to make their lives a little easier:
“We are keenly aware of the difficulties which can result from people not having a reliable, secure mailing address or letter collection point to access vital services we all take for granted in looking for a job.The input and support of both service users, service providers, An Post staff and postmasters was invaluable in bringing Address Point from a good idea to an easily accessible service based around a choice of almost 200 local post offices country-wide. As a major Irish company with world-class expertise and a deeply-connected, community-conscious body of staff, our purpose is to be a force for good, wherever we can. We have the expertise and the national reach to make a real difference”, she added.
Francis Doherty, Head of Communications at Peter McVerry Trust welcomed the new Address Point service saying “this is a personal and practical service that will make a real difference to people’s lives. From medical appointments to service applications or keeping in touch with family, having a secure address may seem like a small thing, but it brings huge benefits to people who are homeless and to others living in temporary accommodation”.
An Post is providing all the charities, service providers and local authorities with information leaflets about Address Point to assist them in advising their clients about accessing the service. These groups include: Dublin Simon, Focus Ireland, Peter McVerry Trust, Merchant’s Quay Ireland, St. Vincent de Paul, Capuchin Day Centre, Threshold, Inner City Helping Homeless, Cross Care and Dublin City Council Homeless Executive.