An Post eCommerce Index reveals Impact of Influencers on Irish Consumer Online Spend
16-24 Year Olds Biggest Purchasers on Recommendation of Social Media Influencers
The new study reveals:
- 94% of those surveyed have shopped online in the past three months
- 64% of 16-24-year-olds have made purchases online based on influencer/celebrity endorsement on social media
- 46% of 16-24-year-olds have an online retail subscription delivering regular products vs 24% all adults
- Almost one in four individuals (24%) have sold items online and four in five (80%) intend to sell online again
Dublin, 30th July 2023: Launched today, findings from the An Post eCommerce Index, reveal the influence social media personalities are having on the buying habits of under-35-year-olds in Ireland. The An Post eCommerce Index tracks is a new online retail and purchasing trends report measuring the activity of both consumers and SMEs in Ireland.
In its first report, the An Post eCommerce Index has highlighted the influence of social media in the purchase decisions of Ireland’s 16-24 year olds with 64% making purchases based on a recommendation, content or ads from an influencer or celebrity they follow on social media. This age group is also spending the most online with 21% spending over €100 per online order which is above the average recorded for all adults (18%) and 46% of 16-24 year-olds have an ongoing subscription to an online retail service (compared to 24% for all adults) with clothing, footwear and beauty products among the most popular subscriptions.
25-34-year-olds are not immune to the influence of social media personalities with 43% stating they have made purchases on the basis of influencer recommendations. Businesses are not the only ones engaging in eCommerce as one in four citizens have sold items online and four in five intend to sell online again.
The An Post eCommerce Index was compiled from the perceptions of 1,504 members of the public and 366 Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs). An Post Commerce commissioned Behaviour & Attitudes to carry out the research between April-May 2023.
Speaking about the findings from the first An Post eCommerce Index, Garrett Bridgeman, Managing Director An Post Commerce said “eCommerce is not just a trend; it is a fundamental shift that has reshaped the way we live, work, and do business. In this fast-paced (Phygital) digital world, and particularly since the pandemic, eCommerce has emerged as a driving force behind economic growth and job creation. ‘Phygital’ – the seamless blend of physical and digital retail experience is now a reality for customers.
“eCommerce now comes in multiple forms and it is continually evolving. Customer expectations have been redefined, from the online purchase experience to the expected seamless and reliable delivery mechanisms. An Post Commerce has adapted to this ever-changing landscape, continuously investing in cutting-edge technology and our people, and expanding our network to ensure the swift and secure transportation of people’s purchases”, he added.