An Post Reports Zero Gender Pay Gap for third consecutive year
- First company to report zero gap three years in a row
- Increase of 7 per cent in new female employees to An Post in 2023
- Female representation in Senior Management Group increases by one third, from 33% to 43% since 2019
An Post has become the first major employer in Ireland to report a Zero Gender Pay Gap for the third year in a row. An Post also reported a seven per cent increase in new female employees in 2023 as well as a 30 percent growth in female representation within the Senior Management Group since 2019.
Since 2019, An Post, which employs over 9,000 people, has achieved significant progress in balancing gender representation across the business. There has been year-on-year growth in female representation within the Senior Management Group, increasing 30 per cent from 33% to 43% in the last four years. In addition, new female employees to the organisation and women being promoted internally have both seen a 7% increase in 2023.
Speaking on the Gender Pay Gap Report 2023, David McRedmond, CEO, An Post said “ I am very proud of our collective efforts in maintaining a zero gap for a third year, and for our overall progress on the wider Diversity and Inclusion agenda. The work that has gone into achieving this milestone but more importantly, the work that goes into maintaining and improving on it year on year should absolutely be commended. Thank you to all An Post colleagues for their support. Our purpose is at the core of everything we do and we want to ensure that we are implementing sustainable plans which will support the wellbeing of our staff now and for generations to come.
Eleanor Nash, Chief People Officer, An Post added “We had a very clear ambition coming into 2023 and we have made some pretty significant progress of which we are very proud. We want our people to feel supported and know that we care; in a practical, meaningful way during their time with us. We’ve worked hard to understand what our people need. They want to be part of a workplace where they feel accepted, supported, and valued. A place where they feel they belong. We will continue to seek feedback and welcome ideas from our people - this is a journey; it is constantly evolving.”
In line with previous years, on An Post’s frontline postal collection and delivery operation, female postal operatives grew by 8 per cent between 2022 and 2023, increasing from 13% to 14% of all postal operatives. The postal operative role, of which there are 6,406 country-wide, is traditionally heavily male-dominated, with a high retention and low turnover rate. As a result, it is taking longer to move the gender dial in this cohort with vacancies arising only sporadically as people retire or are promoted across the country.
In 2022, An Post outlined its ambition and commitment to addressing the gender representation gap within the frontline area of the business with a view to improving the representation of women and strengthening the company’s wider Diversion and Inclusion strategy. In this year’s Gender Pay Report, An Post outlines some of the actions developed and implemented across four key pillars:
Access to Opportunities
- Complete redesign of recruitment and selection policy, reinforcing An Post’s commitment to fairness and equal opportunities. Similarly, a redesign of frontline staff recruitment process which will be implemented mid-2024.
- A refresh of An Post’s Inclusion statement to recognise nine areas of discrimination.
- Partnership with Back to Work Connect to widen female talent pool.
Inclusive Working Environment
- New Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy developed with union partners to reinforce commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- ‘Respect Everyone’ initiative rolled out across the business
Promoting Health and Wellbeing
- Rollout of Wellbeing Commitment Guide to all staff in 2023. Overall, An Post has seen a 7% increase in usage of its Employee Assistance Programme over the last two years.
- Partnership with Family Carers Ireland to support staff who have caring responsibilities, the majority of whom are women.
Developing People
- Greater focus and promotion of An Post’s Education Support scheme and Green Institute for lifelong learning in 2023 resulting in double the number of employees seeking support vs 2022
A full copy of An Post’s Gender Pay Gap Report 2023 can be downloaded here