Ireland RepTrak® 2022 Report
The Reputations Agency has today announced the results of the Ireland RepTrak® 2022 study, the largest and longest running study of reputation in Ireland. The results have been revealed and centre on the theme of “Reputational Leadership and Stakeholder Capitalism”.
The thirteenth annual Ireland RepTrak® 2022 study is based on the perceptions of over 6,500 members of the public. It measures the level of trust, respect, admiration and esteem the public has for 100 organisations in Ireland, alongside 100 other Reputation, Brand, Purpose and ESG indicators. The study was completed between the 3rd January and 14th March 2022, capturing public sentiment in the midst of an ever-changing world with the war in Ukraine, a cost-of-living crisis, an energy shortage and the fallout from a global pandemic.
The study found stakeholder expectations are rapidly increasing, and stakeholders are becoming more vocal in their expectations and their demands. Society in Ireland expects organisations to play their part in the community, economy, environment, dealing with the big issues that we face today, in Ireland and globally. The study found that it is less acceptable to the public for organisations not to consider the needs of their stakeholders when running their businesses.
To view the event video, click here: https://vimeo.com/707784826